43 msfocusmagazine.org • March 3, Norfolk, Va. Denise Bruen, nurse practioner, MS Clinic Department of Neurology, University of Virginia, went over various exercises including swimming, chair yoga, walking, gentle weight training. Diana Cruz, a registered dietitian, discussed the various diets that have been published for MS, most of which are available through MS Focus Lending Library. She compared each diet plan, citing their similarities and differences. While MS cannot be linked specifically to diets, studies have shown positive results from patients following one of these suggested diets. • March 5, Jacksonville, Fla. Physician's assistant and MS-certified specialist Stacy Pauley Smith said, “We can see which newly diagnosed patients with MS will do better based on the spinal cord and brain lesions, their physical difficulties, and also their outlook. Patients who have a better outlook, who don't let MS define them, accept their diagnosis, are mentally strong and positive, seem to do better.” • March 10, San Juan, Puerto Rico Elida J. Santos de Greinel and Vanessa M. Jimenez Fosse gave a presentation designed to motivate, educate, and empower people with MS, healthcare providers, MS organizations, caregivers and their loved ones. Focusing on self-advocacy efforts, they talked about finding what makes you happy, and stressing finding things that pull you out to do something you enjoy. • March 13, San Diego MS-certifiednurseLeslieTarlowencouragedattendeesto“FindBetterDays” with attention to “five pillars of wellness” – sleep, nutrition, exercise, emotional support, and a healthy lifestyle. She also encouraged attendees not to shy away from discussing finances with their medical team, sharing a story of one patient who had taken out a mortgage on their home to pay a high MRI copay. “There is help available from patient organizations, and we can help you find it,” she said. On the Road National MS Education and Awareness Month 2018