not enroll in a regular class. It has helped me with balance and, especially, strength. I could not afford to attend without the funding from MS Focus.” Linda said, “The benefits of the class have been so great for me. Even if I feel shaky or weak, I want to go anyway because it is so good to feel flexible and settled in myself. It feels good to be aware of core strength. If there were two of me, we’d both be here.” The program doesn’t just fund yoga classes. Walter, from Nevada, attends an MS T’ai Chi class. “One day I was taking the class and I had to go to the restroom. On the way back, I realized how much better my body was moving; I was even able to run a little down the hallway.When Pamela teaches the moves, I feel the impact of the healing process and always feel rejuvenated afterwards. I wish I could do it every day!” Now, because there are situations where there aren’t enough people to fill a class, MS Focus started the Individual Participation Program. This is a special offshoot of the Health and Wellness Program that offers individuals the opportunity to participate in a class or a specialized program just for them. Adrian, from Delaware, one of our recent participants, said, “I would like to thank the MultipleSclerosisFoundationfortheirfinancial support which allowed me to join the YMCA and participate in their water therapy classes. The arthritis water therapy class they have is excellent for someone like me with MS. It gives me chance towork on mybalance issues, along with stretching, and use muscles I haven't been able to use since being diagnosed with MS. Thank you so much.” Alma Henry, the Health and Wellness Grant coordinator, said, “We strive to give these communities the opportunity to get out, meet other people, and exercise in a safe environment. The response from the participants has beenwonderful. Ourprogram opens a door for these communities, and the people attending these classes are really pushing themselves and getting everything they can out of the experience. As long as we have people looking for ways to get out and be active, the Health and Wellness program will be helping them do just that.” Visit, hover over Events, and select Health and Wellness to see our currently funded programs. For inquiries, and more information about the Individual Participation Program, contact Alma Henry at: or call 800-225-6495, ext. 129. 37