b'Medicine & ResearchIIssYYoouurrPPaaiinnffrroommYYoouurrMMSS??PPaaiinniissaassvvaarriiaabblleeaasst heeddiisseeaasseeiittsseellffthBy Kalina SandersPain is a very common human experience.damage to the nerves in the brain and the Pain can be an acute manifestation of anspinal cord. Chronic central neuropathic pain injury or a chronic, potentially disabling,is one of the most frequent symptoms that syndrome. According to the CDC, in 2019,dramatically reduces the quality of life of MS 20.4 percent of American adults were reportedpatients. to have chronic pain. So, how do you know ifNeuropathic extremity pain is one of the the pain you are experiencing is from yourmost common pain syndromes in people with multiple sclerosis? Pain in MS is an increasinglyMS. It occurs in up to 26 percent of patients recognized and studied symptom of MS. Thewho experience pain. The pain is often on pain people living with MS experience is asboth sides of the body and involves the lower variable as the disease itself. Up to 63 percentextremities. However, the pain can occur in any of people with MS experience pain. The ratesextremity. The pain can be burning, tingling, of pain are higher in those with secondarypiercing, or electrical. The pain can come and progressive MS and primary progressive MS.go, or be constant. It is usually worse at night. The rate of pain increases with worseningAlthough it is not a direct injury to the legs, the disability. However, pain can occur at anypain can be worsened by movement and heat.point in the disease. Pain can be classied asLhermittes sign is another common pain either neuropathic, nociceptive, or mixed.syndrome associated with MS. Seventeen W percent of people with MS who have pain Whhaattiissnneeuurrooppathic pain?athic pain?Neuropathic, or nerve, pain is caused byreport having Lhermittes sign. It is described direct damage or injury to the nerves that areas an electrical sensation that can travel down involved in the transmission of pain signalsthe spine when the neck exed. This pain is from the brain and spinal cord to the skin,usually linked to spinal cord demyelination muscles, and other parts of the body. It occursthat becomes stimulated when it is stretched. It without warning, or specic injury or stimulus.is usually brief and resolves with repositioning Neuropathic pain can be described as burning,of the neck. itchy, tingling, piercing, or painful responsesTrigeminal neuralgia is an episodic facial to nonpainful stimuli (allodynia). MS causespain, occurring in one or more branches of demyelinationandaxonallosswithinthethe trigeminal nerve. It is usually on one side central nervous system. This results in directof the face and involves the cheek and chin. msfocusmagazine.org 14'