b"Medicine & ResearchPatientsshouldnotbediscontinuedonand during opioid therapy. Strategies to mitigate opioids abruptly in the event that risks do notrisk, including offering naloxone, should be outweigh the benefit unless there is anincorporated when factors that increase risk indication of a life-threatening issue. Tapersof opioid overdose are present.should be conducted under medical supervision2. Review the patients history of controlled and done carefully.substance prescriptions using the state When it comes to duration of opioid useprescription drug monitoring program data and follow-up, clinicians should:to screen for high risk opioids or combination 1. Prescribe no greater quantity than neededof medications posing risk of overdose. fortheexpecteddurationofpainsevere3. Perform toxicology testing to assess for enough to warrant opioid use.2. Evaluate benets and risks with patientsprescribed medications as well as other within one-to-four weeks of starting opioidprescribedandnon-prescribedcontrolled therapy for subacute or chronic pain, or of dosesubstances. escalation. This risk versus benet evaluation4. Use extreme caution when prescribing opioid should be done every three months or morepainmedicationsandbenzodiazepines frequently.concurrently, assess the risk versus benets.Risk assessment is also a major part ofIn summary, the new guidelines should be painmanagementandshouldincludeconsidered just that: guidelines. The goal of the appropriateactionswhencliniciansand patients decide treatment plans. The followingupdated guidelines is to ensure patient safety recommendations are included in the guidelineswhen prescribing opioid pain medications. I as well:encourage all to read the nal draft of the 1. Risk for opioid-related harms should beCDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing evaluated and discussed with patients beforeOpioids once it is released later in 2022. How Do You Personally Deal with Pain Associated with MS?Also, What Have you Learned About Pain Management That Could Help Others?Alicia PratherDon't lay down and give up. Keep going. Don't give in to MS. When I found out I had it, I started my own business. Allergic to all the meds, but still going. Not giving in or giving up. Patrick KassnerCannabis. Patrick R JulianI self-medicated with cannabis.Jill ShumakerDistraction(s), heat, sleep and pain meds (which brings on sleep). MaryAnn Bonello HebertWhen Im alone, I pray and cry. 46 msfocusmagazine.org"