b'Charles Eader By Kimani Hendricks Charles Eader, newly-elected president ofHis customer base was made up of nonprots, the MS Focus Board of Directors, understandswhich led him to crossing paths with MS Focus the need to seize opportunities as they appear. as they explored new ways to broaden disease While studying marketing and advertisingawareness. As their service consultant, Charles at Emory University, Charles saw a differentassisted MS Focus in developing its call center path open in front of him. During my firstand exploring new marketing opportunities nance class, my instructor pulled me asidefor the organization through the Internet.to tell me, I had a real knack, he said. SheStandard bearerasked if I would entertain the idea of switchingUpon accepting his rst promotion with majors; after I thought about it, I did as sheAT&T, Charles received another offer too good suggested. to decline. When I was promoted to a different While still in college, a small savings andposition at AT&T, the executive director of MS loan institution not only hired Charles butFocus at the time invited me to join the board, offeredhimmanagementtraining,whichhe said. I had built a rapport with staff and furthered his career even as shifts transformedalready learned their management process the nance industry. It became increasinglyduring my time as their representative, so I difficult for others in my eld to nd work rightbecame a board member in 1997, and Ive been out of school because nancial institutionshere ever since. Charles served as treasurer were consolidating due to deregulation.of the board for many years. He also helped Fortunately, I was employed before graduation,form an investment committee to oversee Charles said. the Foundations investment strategy. That didnt make him immune to the bankingHis obligations to MS Focus did not undercut shake up. His next employer was soon takenhis stellar performance at AT&T, which would over by another bank. Charles sought changeeventually advance Charles again, this time after the stress of his daily responsibilities led to a burn out after seven years in the eld.to the position of chief of staff. His work The pressure of things, such as interest rateincluded forming business cases for proposed uctuation, was constant, he said. Soon, Charlescompanyinvestments,determiningthe seized a new opportunity. He left banking forefficacy of such decisions, researching and AT&T and became a sales representative forconstructing presentations for high-ranking medium-sized businesses in the South Floridaexecutives and officers, and even assisting in region. the human resources department. 7 msfocusmagazine.org'