b'MS Focus ActivitiesHealth and Wellness ProgramBy Kimani HendricksFive years after her initial hire at MS Focus:and publicity. When people contact us to start the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Alma Henrya health and wellness group, I emphasize that became the coordinator of the Health andwhile we are always available to assist them Wellness program in 2009. Previously, thelogistically,theymustdothefootworkto grantwasnamedCAM:Complementarymaintainandincreasemembership,she Alternative Medicine, she said, noting that thesaid. It is of tremendous importance that our Foundation changed the name to health andaffiliates care about meeting the goals they wellness to expand its offerings. MS Focus offersset with a new group.a variety of activities suitable for individualsMS Focus health and wellness program with MS through health and wellness, fromalso offers people who live in remote areas or adaptive yoga to dance, music, art therapy,areas without sufficient participation for a exercise, fitness, aquatics, and therapeuticgroup opportunities to improve their health horseback riding. Not only does this programand wellness through individual participation aid with general health, but research suggestsassistance. Sometimes people simply prefer that staying active is essential to managingto take advantage of these services alone; for MS. Movement decreases inammation andexample, if one wanted to attend a local gym to helps maintain mobility, said Kasey Minnis,work out on their own or under supervision, executive director for MS Focus.they can apply for this, Alma remarked.Groups and individuals Meg of Fort Worth, Texas, was a stranger Alma is responsible for researching andto exercise until lack of physical activity took communicating with those interested in startinga toll on her mobility. I am 65 years old and a group in their area. I research their credentials,was diagnosed with MS in 2017. Regular ensuring that they have the necessary credentialsexercise was not part of my routine, but I to lead classes, and conrm that theyve acquiredhavelearnedthat visitingthegymtwoto a minimum of ve members with MS beforethree times a week has helped relieve my proceeding, Alma added. If an instructor ispain, improved my balance and walking, and fully qualied, she then creates a contract forstrengthened my foot drop. Without the help the class and arranges for funding.of the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, I would not be able to afford a membership to our Once a group is active, Alma provides leaderscounty gym. It has improved my life. Thank with materials, such as yers for distributionyou for helping me help myself! msfocusmagazine.org 34'