b'Websites providers have additional content that will Another avenue for nding great resourcesalso be a good addition to your practice.to guide your wellness journey is YouTube.A trained psychologist can offer techniques YouTube can be accessed directly on youtube.comto deal with chronic pain. You can meet with a or from an app on any device including apsychologist virtually and stay in the comfort Smart TV. YouTube is free but you need a freeof your home. In addition, your provider can Google account to use many of the advancedbe located outside your local area. You can featuressuchassavingyourhistoryoreven connect with a provider that will accept subscribing to a providers channel. GFC Global,insurance. ThePsychology Todaywebsite edu.gcfglobal.org/en/youtube, is a one of thewill get you started, psychologytoday.com/us best sites to learn about YouTube. Your search/therapists/ chronic-pain. You can start with in YouTube will depend on your experienceyour local area and branch out from there. with meditation. For example, if you haveThe advantage of starting locally is perhaps little or no experience, search for beginnersone of your doctors may be able to provide meditation or search with the keywords begininformation to help guide your search. and mediation. If you want more specicA wellness journey will improve your life information search for mediation for painin a myriad of ways. Getting started is the or use similar key words. Keep in mind thathardest part. In my experience, if you are mediation techniques do not change much over time and even older videos will still bepatient, disciplined, and adopt a new healthier benecial. When you nd a video that workslifestyle, you too can experience positive for you, explore the providers channel. Manyresults. I know I have. How Do You Personally Deal with Pain Associated with MS?Also, What Have you Learned About Pain Management That Could Help Others?Lisa A. Springer BrownkI drink a lot of water and do take some meds for pain. I try not to focus on the pain and I know that can be tough some days. I try to rest and listen to music. I do watch my favorite show of all time, Friends, or watch a movie to try to take my mind off the pain. Michael WrightI do what I like to call hot water therapy. Submerge my body in hot water until my body temperature is comfortable and consistent with the temperature of the water. At this point, I get out of the water. It takes a toll on me with the hot water, tiredness, weakness and tremors. But having one hour of relief is worth it all. Bernie KraftExercise daily, eat healthy, try not to be stressed. Live your life to the fullest.Caroline CravenDeep breathing. Finding calmness. CBD. Meditation. Baths. Exercise. Pamela TabbI pray about my pain, love to listen to gospel music, or nd something funny on TV. Tina AndMarty MickleFaith, great doctors, family love and support. Debra Partlow-Lumbra Prayers. 39 msfocusmagazine.org'