b'MS Focus ActivitiesGiving BackSimple StepsMichigan resident walks and holds raffle to support MS Focus programsJennie Cullin, of Hudson, Mich., inspiredevery day, telling MS you will not own me. by her intimate and generational connectionI will do my best to not let any other family go to the disease, set out to help the MS communitythrough this.by raising money for MS Focus: the MultipleHow did you implement your plan Sclerosis Foundation, through both a walk into give back? April, and a raffle on May 6. By reaching outFor the walk, I decided how far I would be to local businesses and friends, her effortswalking. I chose 20 miles. I gave myself one raised $1,000 to support MS Focus programs.week to accomplish this challenge so I In 1964, at 47 years old, her father wascontacted my friends, family, and whomever diagnosed with MS by doctors at UniversityI was talking to. They decided what they would of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor. Atdonate, some by the mile, some just a at sum, that time, there was very little known aboutand others said If you nish I will give you the disease and there were no treatments of$$$. I chose a date and then began my walking, any kind available. He was let go from his jobin the park, around the mall, in bad weather, of more than 20 years as a foreman, with noaround the house, or anywhere that I could get insurance or retirement. He passed away inmy step count to total 20 miles in one week.1971 at the age of 54. I chose to do a raffle at the neighborhood At the age of 26, Jennies son, Chad, wasbowling alley that we and so many of our diagnosed with secondary-progressive MS.friends attend as well.DuringthetimeofChadsdiagnosis,threeI contacted local businesses, bakeries, medications were available for people withrealtors, the bowling alley, restaurants, and MS. Twenty-two years later, he is still on theall the places we and our friends generally go treatment he started on initially. He has beento. I asked them if they would be able to working at the same company for 21 years,donate to our MS raffle since anything would and they have never doubted his abilities to dobe appreciated. We received certicates for his job. His daughter, who attends Universitycakes, donuts, free bowling, coffee, yogurt shop of Michigan to become a pediatric neurologist,goodies, and so much more.was also diagnosed with MS.On the day of the raffle, I set out a jar and What inspired you to help people with MS? a piece of paper. When bowlers came around, Three of the most important people in myI told them to place their name on the list if life have the challenge of MS. They face itthey donate any amount. I, then, wrote their msfocusmagazine.org 42'