b'MS Focus ActivitiesMS FocusedA chance to celebrate caregiversNovember is National Caregiver Appreciation Month. Whether they are a friend or family member, young or old, or are with you one day a week or all the time, caregivers are a huge part of life. For many people, the assistance offered by a caregiver helps them live healthier, more productively, and, in some cases, more independently. For everything they do, caregivers typically ask for nothing more than a thank you. But, sometimes, you want to give more back to them. To honor the caregivers out there, MS Focus is holding our annual Caregivers Night Out contest. We are asking anyone with MS to write us a letter and tell us about their caregiver. Winners will receive dinner for two at a restaurant of their choice and their story will be published in the winter issue of the MS Focus magazine. Submissions will be accepted through Sept. 30. Applications can be faxed to 954-351-0630, emailed to homecare@msfocus.org, or mailed to Cargivers Night Out Contest, Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, 6520 N. Andrews Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309. Booklets: New and revised MS Focus is proud to announce its third book for kids, A Conversation About Disability. Written by Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence and illustrated by Niah Soult. The book is designed to help facilitate discussion of certain aspects of life with a disability to children. It also includes a resource section for adults. You can order a free copy of the book, along with the previous books, A Conversation about Multiple Sclerosis: Making Sense out of MS. and Along Came Jae: A Conversation About Service Dogs for People with MS by contacting our offices. A new booklet specically focused on MS and the Black Community is in development. The booklet advice is about issues that directly affect the African American community. To reserve your free copy, contact our offices. Our booklet Complementary and Alternative Medicine is also being updated. The booklet includes advice about mind-body therapies, natural healing, and environmental and psychological therapies. To reserve your free updated copy, please contact our offices. Talk to the experts Once a month, MS Focus provides an opportunity to ask questions to experts on medical issues related to MS on Zoom. Each month, Drs. Aron Boster and Ben Thrower, and MS nurse Cherie Binns will individually host teleconferences on Zoom and answer your questions. To nd out more, sign up for our weekly teleconferences email or visit the events calendar page on our website at msfocus.org/Events/Events-Calendar.aspx. msfocusmagazine.org 30'