b'and supported has been incredibly rewarding. A few years ago, it was impossible to find examples of people who looked like me rocking mobility aids. Now its as simple as searching #babeswithmobilityaids on social media platforms to find thousands of real-life examples of empowered people redening what it means to live with chronic illness. While social media has made it easier for people with disabilities to feel seen, traditional media must celebrate our differences. Im excited and proud to share that Fashion Disa new Canadian television show that highlights the style and beauty potential of people with disabilitiesand a makeover show that I created and hosted debuted in February 2022.MS isnt easy, but a difficult life doesnt have to be joyless. The keys to a satisfying life are the same for people with MS as they are for everyone. We all need someone to love, something to do, and something we look forward to. MS cant take these fundamental pursuits away from me. It has been healing for me to take my MS and turn it into something that helps others feel seen, challenges stigma, and tries to normalize the most bizarre thing Ive ever beenthrough.NoteveryonewithMSwill write a blog or host a TV show; but we all have theopportunitytosupportourselvesand each other by how we think about and how we share our chronic illness stories. Every time we refuse to be diminished by MS or think of ourselves as less-than or let stigma tell us who we are, we empower others to do the same. Follow Ardra on Instagram at @ms_trippingonair and trippingonair.com. Stream season one of Fashion Dis at www.ami.ca/FashionDis/episodes 37 msfocusmagazine.org'