b'andoverusecertainmuscleswhentired,tootherproblemssuchasskinsoresand which can then lead to pain. Moreover, thisneck pain with poor posture. An occupational weakness and fatigue can vary from day toor physical therapist is a great resource to day with MS. It can be exhausting just thinkinghelp you determine if assistive technology about all the potential causes and factors of pain.can help reduce your pain or if changes need Assistive technology can help reduce theto be made to your current assistive technology burden of activities to help decrease or preventto help with the pain. pain. Power mobility, for instance, can helpErgonomics is another key area that OT reduce the burden of walking longer distancescan address to both decrease and/or prevent when out in the community. A button hookpain. Workplace ergonomics addresses your can reduce hand strain when buttoning orposition when participating in work activities. voice dictation can reduce hand strain withIt is important that you are sitting or standing in texting. There are also adaptive switches, whicha benecial position when working, especially can help reduce pain with reaching. Therewhen working for an extended amount of are so many different assistive technologytime. Working in an ergonomic position can options available that can truly make andecrease burden, fatigue, and pain by allowing activity less painful and even possible toyour muscles and body to be in the most perform again.optimal position for the task at hand. As helpful as assistive technology is, it canThere are many different causes of pain increase pain if not used correctly. For example,in MS and many different areas that OT can a power wheelchair can help reduce pain withaddress to help with this pain. Reach out to walkinglongdistances,butifthispoweryour local OT and/or PT for help with your wheelchair does not t correctly, it could leadspecic pain journey. Potential Cause of Pain Potential Solution Walking long distances Power mobility, rollator, walker, or leg braceCookingPower mobility, rollator, antifatigue mat, sitting while cooking, or reorganizing the kitchen for efficiency Using incorrect shoulder mechanicsNeuromuscular re-education and strengtheningSleep Sleep, pillow positioning, and sleep hygiene strategies Heat Cooling vest, drinking cold water, wearing a fan, or running cold water over the wristsVision, eye fatigue Glasses, magnifying text, printing out materials, or following the 20/20/20 rule (take a 20 second break to look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes) when viewing screensPoor posture when working Workplace assessment to allow for a more ergonomic position when workingBending over Adaptive equipment to help pick up items off the oor Texting or typing Voice dictation or stylus 33 msfocusmagazine.org'