b'Health and WellnessFatigue-Free FoodieChunky Vegetable StewChunky Vegetable StewThis delicious vegetable stew takes minimal preparation and is full of nutrients and avor. Toss it on the stove on a cool evening and relax while it gently stews to delicious perfection. Ingredients: 1 medium onion (can be diced or simply cut into wedges) 2 large potatoes cut into chunks, or 1 lb ngerling potatoes uncut 1 bag baby carrots 1 can unsalted green beans 2 cups low sodium vegetable broth 2 cans tomato sauce 2 large bay leaves 1 tbsp garlic powdertbsp onion powder 1 tbsp paprika 1 8 oz can of corn kernels 1 small package frozen peas Instructions:Add the onion, potato, carrots, and green beans to a pot with vegetable broth and tomato sauce. Add bay leaves and dry seasoning. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cover. Simmer for an hour. Add corn and peas and simmer for an additional 10-20 minutes. Remove bay leaves and serve. Add salt and pepper to taste.Tip: Want to open fewer packages? Replace carrots, green beans, corn, and peas with a bag of frozen mixed vegetables added at the last ten to twenty minutes.msfocusmagazine.org 62'