b'names on a slip of paper, folded it, and insertedwe all have some type of challenge. Never be it into the jar next to the money jar. At the endafraid to ask for help or to provide help.of the three games, I began pulling names, ifWhen a fundraiser is advertised in your they were called, they would come up to thearea, take that step and get involved. You can prizecounterwhichdisplayedallavailablewalk for those that cannot, or talk for those prizes, and they could pick one of their liking.that are unable to express their voice. Every The goal was for everyone whose name wastime you participate, you will be putting the picked to end up with a prize. challenge of MS in its place. If you see an MS What advice would you give to otherspamphlet, read it and then give your time, who are trying to give back?your extra money, your kindness, but most of We raised $1,000 and for us, it was simple.all, give it your prayers. Just give, big or small. It does not require elaborate planning, withTen dollars can help someone get their billboards and big events.Besides, I do not havemedications, just dont hold back. If you see that, I just have great neighbors, wonderfulsomeone struggling to walk, help them use friends, and family. their walker or whatever help they require, What did you learn, and what are yourdont turn your head and walk away. Ask if future goals? you can help. After all, they are people rst Well, in my 75 years, I have learned thatand the MS is second. Yes, I am a Christian, big, small, rich, poor, man, woman, or child,and yes, I know that miracles do happen.Want to Plan Your Own Fundraiser?To get help creating your own event to support people with MS contact: Debra Forman at 800-226-6495or email debra@msfocus.org. 43msfocusmagazine.org'