b'[ TAKEAWAYSSafety precautions from COVID-19 have prevented us from resuming in-person programs just yet. MS Focus continues to hold a series of teleconferences to enrich the lives and meet the needs of those in the MS community. If you missed a teleconference or want to revisit one, you will be able to nd it online either on YouTube or SoundCloud. Type the msfocus.us link for the conference into your browser to go directly to a recording. April Teleconferences Town Hall: Bring Your Questions Ben Thrower, MD msfocus.us/040522 Why Me: What we Know about Causes of MS Including Genetics John Schafer, MD msfocus.us/041222 May TeleconferencesManaging My MS Fatigue Pearl B. Werfel, Ph.D., Herb Karpatkin PT,DSc,NCS,MSCSmsfocus.us/050222 How to Get Your Family to Really Listen to You about Your MSTyler Brown, PsyD msfocus.us050522 Devices, Gadgets and Doodads That May Help Your Walking Ben Thrower, MD msfocus.us/051022 MS Drugs in the Pipeline and the Newest Research Tirisham Gyang, MD msfocus.us/051822 Building a Stronger MS Community Cherie Binns, RN, MSCN msfocus.us/052322 June TeleconferencesTown Hall: Bring Your Questions Ben Thrower, MD msfocus.us/061422 Understanding MS SpasticityTheodore R. Brown, MD, MPH msfocus.us/062122 Why Labwork MattersAdrienne DeBerry, Pharm.D., BCACP, CSP msfocus.us/062722 GGiivviinnggMMaaddeeEEaassyyMS Focus is embracing technology and making giving even easier. To make a donation today: Text MSFocus to 50155. msfocusmagazine.org 9'