b'Bladder Health Month MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation will participate in the Bladder Health Month campaign along with the Urology Care Foundation, American Urological Association, and numerous other organizations from the Bladder Health Alliance. This month-long awareness campaign, set in November, was developed to increase the focus on getting the facts, getting diagnosed, and taking control of bladder health. Bladder health support materials are now available at AUAnet.org/BHM17.To help raise awareness and remove the stigma surrounding bladder health, arm yourself with knowledge by visiting the Urology Care Foundations web page at urologyhealth.org/healthy-living/ care-blog/november-is-bladder-health-month. For more information on a how multiple sclerosis affects bladder health, please contact MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation at 888-673-6287 or 954-776-6805. Giving TuesdayEvery year, on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, people take the time to kick off the holiday season by giving back to their community. Whether it is donating money to a charitable cause or volunteering, Giving Tuesday is a day set to benet the community. This year, Giving Tuesday falls on Nov. 29. Consider supporting MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation in your end of year giving. Visit msfocus.org/Donate.aspx to review donation options.Snap HookPremium ZipperCondensation Mesh Pocket Easy Glide Webbing & SliderMulti-Wear D Rings30 Inch Adjustable Straps (Qty:2) Shoulder Pads/Chair Protectors31msfocusmagazine.org'