b'Symptom ManagementMMaannaaggiinnggMMSSbbyyMMaannaaggiinnggBBllaaddddeerrSSyymmppttoommssCCoommmmoonnpprroobblleemmssiinncclluuddeefrreeqquueennccyy,,uurrggeennccyy,,hheessiittaannccyy,,faannddiinnccoonnttiinneenncceeBy Marie NameyBladder symptoms are not addressed asboth better control of the bladder and allevi-often as walking, fatigue, or MRI results becauseating the effect of MS on their daily life.both clinicians and people with multiple sclerosisManaging bladder symptoms can be part are uncomfortable, embarrassed, or not focusedof the comprehensive approach to managing on this symptom. Additionally, a person withMS. Addressing symptoms can help individuals MS may not associate bladder symptoms withlead more active and fulfilling lives, while MS. Bladder symptoms occur because of damageunmanaged symptoms can contribute to stress to the protective coating of the nerves (myelin)and other factors that may worsen overall that control bladder function in the brain andsymptoms.Commonbladdersymptoms spinal cord. Damage to nerves that control theinclude increased frequency (going often), bladder can disrupt normal signals from yoururgency (a sudden and intense urge to urinate), brain that tell your bladder when to empty.hesitancy (difficulty starting urination), double S voiding (voiding once then having the feeling SyymmppttoommssaannddDDyyssffuunnccttiioonnBladder symptoms are common in peopleto void again), incontinence (leaking small or with MS anddepending on the literature large amounts of urine), nocturia (waking up estimates of up to 80 percent of people with MSmore than once at night to void), and urinary experience bladder symptoms at some time.tract infections. These symptoms can occur Bladder symptoms may even occur as theat any time during the disease.rst symptom of MS. Seeking treatment isWe have learned there are three types of important specically for people with MS forbladder dysfunction: 1) an overactive bladder several reasons. Bladder symptoms can(inability to store) and 2) an underactive bladder significantly affect a persons well-being,(inability to empty) or 3) a combination of these causing embarrassment, social withdrawal,two types. Symptoms can occur intermittently anddecreasedself-esteem. Additionally,or constantly at any time during the disease untreatedbladdersymptomscanleadtocourse. These symptoms are unpleasant and complications such as urinary tract infections,distressing and negatively affect quality of life. bladder stones, and, at times, damage to theBladder symptoms can also be psychosocially kidneys.Earlytreatmentcanhelppreventdisabling as individuals are reluctant to thesecomplications,helpimprovebladderparticipate in social activities because they function, and reduce symptoms, resulting inneed to have quick access to a bathroom. msfocusmagazine.org 12'