b'MS Focus Activitiesstrongest love. They\'re just good people fromacknowledgesGodasthesolereasonshe all different walks of life. I love this crowd." manages to keep going. "I don\'t have time to The group membership reaches Warriorswaste; theres too much to do, but I love every and supporters on the African, Asian, andminute of it. I take things as far as they can go, European continents as well as North America.even if it\'s something I\'ve never done. I give She said, "You wouldn\'t believe how the presenceit my all. I swear I could become president if of one person being here could help othersI wanted to. I\'ll be the rst to tell you, though, around them. One of our members is a Muslimthat I am not above making mistakes, but girl from Madagascar that I have known sincewhen I do, I don\'t sit and sulk. shewas15;therewasmuchshehadn\'tI learn and keep it moving. I was this way learned about being a young lady, let aloneeven before my diagnosis; every day, I get managing multiple sclerosis. down on the oor and practice yoga, once in She saw many videos from my neurologist,the daytime and again at night. Whether I Dr. Aaron Boster, on our page and referredfeel like it or not, Igotta do it. That\'s my outlook them to her neurologist. Honestly, I love iton life: do what you know you need to and when the wheels turn, or a light comes on fordon\'t waste time. You\'ll have no regrets later; our members based on the facts we share. It\'sI promise."one of my favorite things to witness. Denitely worth its weight in gold.If you are an individual living with MS or Regarding managing her health and caringan advocate for those who do, visit Facebook for her biological and warrior families, Desirto join Were F**kin\' MS Warriors. Tell us what you want to see in MS Focus Magazine.Email comments to: editor@msfocus.org or write to: Editor, MS Focus 6520 N. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 How long did it take to get an MS diagnosis? What challenges did you experience?Polly Wolly - I dont know when my MS symptoms actually began because Ive had autoimmune issues and multiple minor head and neck injuries since childhood (interstitial cystitis, venous outflow obstruction, intracranial hypertension, central sleep apnea, bradycardia, brachycardia, etc.). Developing optic neuritis in 2017 is what got the ball rolling toward an MS diagnosis. There has been plenty of hassle after the MS diagnosis because some doctors assume anything new is related to MS. Or a continuation of its all in my head. Surgery for the venous obstruction (aka eagle syndrome, styloidectomy, stenting) dramatically improved my life and ability to function. Coincidentally, a scientific study concluding in 2011 determined that inflammation from head and neck injuries is one trigger of the onset of MS. Theres so much more information about that just in the past few years.msfocusmagazine.org 36'