b'eating, difficulty remembering information,of a similar age and gender in order to determine and/or having a word on the tip of yourthe degree of decit. tongueare just a few reasons to consult withChiropractora medical speech-language pathologist withAdam Chaifetz, DC, DIBCN, MSCS experience treating neurological populations.I believe MS patients should seek chiropractic Speech-languagepathologistsarelicensedcare at a time when they are not receiving healthcare providers who can investigate yourphysical therapy at the same time, and if the concerns. Comprehensive MS evaluations fortreatment is a non-MS-related condition such individuals with MS vary, however, the processas neck pain, back pain, and or headaches. may consist of collecting a case history,Not doing PT and chiropractic at the same conducting a cranial nerve exam, takingtime allows us to determine efficacy. In measurements of your vocal volume, lung capacity, determining the speed and accuracyaddition, if there are radiating symptoms, it is of your speech musculature, participating inimportant to understand if this is related to a language processing tasks, answering questions,central or peripheral nerve condition. People recalling information, and objectively observingcanlearnmoreintherecordingofmy the movement of various foods and liquids.presentation on MS and chiropractic care at Data collected is then compared to individualsmsfocus.us/050621.How long did it take to get an MS diagnosis? What challenges did you experience?jniffer14 - About 1.5 years. My rst symptom was numbness to my left lower leg and left forearm and hand. I was playing collegiate eld hockey at the time and my AT said I couldve punched a nerve. The symptoms disappeared after a few months. The next year I had numbness from the mid-abdomen down to my feet, urinary incontinence, and had excruciating back pain that didnt resolve with pain medication and muscle relaxers (prescribed by an orthopedic sports specialist who I saw for my symptoms). Eventually went to the ER and was told I had a bulged disc in my low back and was sent home. The next day the hospital called me and said they over looked something on my MRI and that I must come back for more testing. I was left with four options of a possible diagnosis from the hospital: transverse myelitis, AVM in my spine, tumor, or MS. About a month after the hospital I nally saw an MS specialist who conrmed the MS diagnosis. Official diagnosis came in June of 2015 at the age of 20. tash.gmah - I had little things happen for years but didnt think much of it. They thought I was having a stroke and when I didnt present with the typical things for a stroke, they dug deeper and told me I have MS. I didnt really know what that meant at the time. I was just so thankful I hadnt had a stroke. Nearly ve years in and I kinda now think I wish it was a stroke. However, I have to stay strong for my family and friends. They are my world. I lost some and gained a few, and the few I gained are so special and understand. 15msfocusmagazine.org'