b'I read an article online by Matt Allen G,should have signed by their doctor and carry where he was questioned as he was walkingwith them. It states the person bearing the down the streets in Dublin trying to nd acard has, and is being treated for, MS. place to watch the Saint Patricks Day parade.It further states the symptoms can include: He said a bouncer of a pub stopped him, Slurred speech got in his face and said, Are you okay? He explained he was not drinking, even though Poor balance or coordinationeveryone else was, and that he had MS. He Difficulty walking or altered gait said he felt annoyance at rst, but later it Numbness or partial paralysis seemed funny and decided this was the most hilarious Are you drunk? moment he ever Double or blurred vision had and probably ever would. However, not allThe back of the card also has a place where Im not drunk; I have MS stories end as well. the persons medications can be listed. I Another person wrote if he was using aencourage our readers to request this card cane or walker, people would know he had aand have it lled out by their physician or disability, but since he chose not to, theyneurologist. While it may not stop someone assumed he was drunk. from asking, Are you drunk? it will be a For this reason, MS Focus: the Multiplehelpful piece of identification in case law Sclerosis Foundation has a no-cost firstenforcement or emergency medical technicians respondercardthatanypersonwithMSask the same questions.Please welcome these newly affiliated groups: MS Support Group of Lee CountyFort Myers, Fla., Leader: Kim Wagner Making Strides for Multiple SclerosisAlbany, Ga., Leaders: Regina Monds and Annette Robinson Multiple Sclerosis Support Group of RockfordRockford, Ill., Leaders: Jillian Hoff and Christine Peppers Dover Magical MStery TourDover, Del., Leader: Peter Licari Visit our website at msfocus.org or email us atsupportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest to you. DDooyyoouuffeeeelltthheenneeeeddttoottaallkk?? Consider joining one of the many support groups that are affiliated with MS Focus. Visit our website at msfocus.org, contact us at 888-673-6287, or email supportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest to you. We are always here for you.25 msfocusmagazine.org'