b'Binns:Firstofall,youhaveaneurologistcenter to get them from now on. That is an treating your MS who knows what they arehour away. I dont drive that far and have no doing. Second, there is no known cure, as ofone to take me. Is there anything that can be yet, for MS but it can be managed in moredone about that?Adelle R. than 95 percent of people who have it. AnyoneBinns: MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis toutingacureisshingforincomefromFoundation, has a transportation grant that gullible people who are grasping for somethingworks with Uber and Lyft to get people to to believe in. Dont fall for that. As for goingtheir medical visits. An application for this to Mexico for stem cell treatment, I hear fromprogram can be found at msfocus.org/Get-Help/ dozens of people every year who have doneMSF-Programs-Grants/Transportation-that and had terrible results including seriousAssistance-Grant. I received a similar letter health issues post-treatment. Hematopoieticfrom my local hospital a few weeks ago stating stem cell therapy is a recognized therapy forI could get my medication under a white treatment-resistant MS in the U.S., but it isbagging option, where my doctor orders it not considered a cure. Initially it was thoughtthrough my insurance companys preferred to be, but we are now seeing that it seems tospecialty pharmacy. You would have to call wane in effectiveness on average about vecustomer service (the number is on the back years after the stem cell transplantation. Ask your neurologist about whether this might beofyourinsurancecard)andtalktothem an appropriate approach in your situationabout this. Ask which pharmacy they prefer the next time you see them.and then give that pharmacys number to Dear MS Nurse,your doctors office to call in your medication. My local infusion center sent me a letterThiswilllikelyallowyoutostaywiththe recently that said they would no longer be doinghealthcare team you know and trust with a my Rituxan infusions because my insuranceconvenience level that is suitable for you.wasnotreimbursingthemenoughandIIf you have a question for the MS Nurse,would need to go to my neurologists infusionemail msnurse@msfocus.org. 43 msfocusmagazine.org'