b'MS Focus ActivitiesNNaattiioonnaallMMSSEEdduuccaattiioonna National MS Education and Awareness Month 2022annddAAwwaarreenneessssMMoonntthhThe Battle with Your MS. rMS Wa r r iors: MS Wa r iors:The immune system was created to protectTeleconferences Battling AutoimmunityBattling Autoimmunityus. But for people with MS, the immune systemAll our National MSNational MS Education and Awareness Monthcan seem like their worst enemy. So this year,EducationandAwarenessprogramswere MS Focus centered National MS Educationlive-streamed on our Facebook page and later and AwarenessMontharoundthetheme,posted to our YouTube channel. For more MS Warriors: Battling Autoimmunity. information, email us at info@msfocus.org. Understanding whatgoes wrongintheOur events aimed to take you on a journey of immune system of a person with MS, howdiscovery that encapsulated our mission to medication can help, and how best to supportmake MS more manageable now and in the a healthier immune system is vital to livingfuture for the community. Here are the programs well with the condition. In this years Nationalwe presented this year: Education and Awareness Month activities, weIs your Medication Working for You?provided a deeper awareness of the immuneThere is a lot of attention on disease-modifying system, benets and advances in treatment,treatments when discussing treatment options, and how you can advocate for autoimmunebut how do you know if yours is working for research in your community.you? A medication may not have the same Our teleconferences reected a discussioneffects for you personally as it had on the on medications in MS and their efficacy, whereaverage patient in a clinical trial. Does your current research stands, managing your stressneurologist prioritize nding the right treatment stress, tips on how to complement your immunefor you, or simply rely on the averages? How system, and the relationship between exercisedo you know if the medicine is doing its job? and your immune system.On March 5, Daniel Kantor, M.D. addressed These events, accompanied by our freethe questions about whether your medications MS Awareness booklets to our subscribers, tookare working for you.our viewers on a holistic journey that coveredResearch Updates on MS and Autoimmunitythe latest in healthcare, MS medicine, copingAt least 1 million people in the U.S. are living skills, and nancial management. with MS. The immunology behind MS is a Live event: Shepherd Center, Atlanta complexmysterythatmedicaldetectives MS Focus hosted its rst live in-personare continuously trying to unravel through educational program since the pandemic onresearch of the disease, new forms of therapy, March 7 at the Shepherd Center, in Atlanta.and what the future of MS will look like as Is Your Medication Working for You?, was athese advances are made. On March 12, presentation featuring Dr. Ben Thrower. WhereDr. Ben Thrower discussed what we have the 40 people who attended were able to havelearned recently about who is at risk for MS, aninteractivediscussionandhavetheirwhat drives MS, and where research for MS is questions answered. headed.msfocusmagazine.org 38'