b"GGiivviinnggBBaacckk::GGeettttiinnggaaSStteeppAAhheeaaddooffMMSSFlorida Couple Holds Dance Fundraiser.Carol Burns Montgomery, and her husband,How did your plan to give back work? Jim, of Yulee, Fla., held an MS Dance fundraiserIpostedMSDancefundraiseryersin on March 16 at the Royal Amelia Danceboth of the dance studios. I sent out invitations Academy, in Fernandia Beach, Fla. Donationsthrough emails and made announcements were$20fortapclassand$20forballetin my dance classes. Jim's fundraising table class. Those who could not participate werewas set up right by the front door entrance so asked to consider making a donation.students could put checks into the donation What inspired you to helpjar. The table had a banner, an orange tablecloth, people with multiple sclerosis?pens, bracelets, and information booklets. $20 Jim and I have been participating in MSwas a reasonable amount to ask. Additional activities for 19 years. It started when my sisterdonations were also received for those who was diagnosed with MS in the 1980s, during awantedtodonatepersonally.Ipersonally time when it was a foreign subject, and therepurchased fun accessories such as Hawaiian were no medications or support except forleis, orange feathers, and plastic hats which family members. Then, in 2012, I met mydonors wore. husband Jim, who also has MS. My husbandWhat was the most challenging inspired me by saying, One day you will bepart of the project? reading in the newspaper about them curingAs a dance teacher, I truly enjoyed having my MS.an MS dance fundraiser. The most challenging Jim and I had two support groups in Southpart was the only time I could rent the dance Floridaone in the daytime and the other inroom was during spring break. I was hoping for the evening. We moved to North Carolina andmore participants, but many were on vacation had a support group there as well. We moved toduring the event. Yulee, Fla., and had a support group there. WeWhat advice would you give others also became MS activists. The most in-depth MSwho are trying to give back? involvement was the Public Policy ConferenceI would network with people on Facebook, where we went to Washington, D.C., andthe MS Focus magazine, or in a support group. Tallahassee, Fla., met with our senators andWhat did you learn from doing this congressmen, told our personal MS stories toand what are your future goals? and educated them simultaneously. At theJim and I will always be a part of the multiple Public Policy Conference, we spoke to scientists,sclerosis community, whether it be helping researchers, neurologists; who had an NIH- people as a support group or raising funds at breakdown;andparticipatedinthemosta restaurant, MS walk, or a dance fundraiser. personal and emotional MS stories. We alsoJimandCarolMontgomerywillkeep participated in the passing of MS bills and fundsghting to do the best they can to make the for MS research. Also, we have participatedworld free of multiple sclerosis. for 19 years in the MS Walk in South Florida,For more information on the MS Dance North Carolina, and Jacksonville, Fla.Fundraiser, email: Jmcm032914@yahoo.com. 41 msfocusmagazine.org"