b'This study showed that in individuals withheat exposure can cause worsened vision, genetic risk factors, head trauma was linkedbalance, and walking or cognition. Heat to an 18-fold increase in the risk of developingsensitivity in MS is likely due to a phenomenon MS compared to individuals with genetic riskcalled nerve ber fatigue. Axons, or nerve bers, factors but no head trauma.carry electrical information to and from the Study nds no signicant risksbrain through the spinal cord to control most in using cooling garments bodilyfunctions,includingcontrolofour muscles, feeling sensations, and vision. When A systematic review conducted by researchersthe myelin insulation is stripped away from in Australia assessed the effect of coolingan axon, the axon may still be able to relay garmentstoimprovephysicalfunctioninelectrical signals, but it does not work as people with MS, and to determine any associatedeffectively, and is prone to shutting down. physiological and perceptual responses. ThirteenBoth heat and physical exertion may cause studies were identied for full review and werethe damaged nerve ber to temporarily stop either randomized control trials or randomizedworking. This is called nerve ber fatigue. Its crossover trials. The studies included 384important to remember you are not causing participantswithMSwithanexpandedpermanent worsening of your symptoms by disability status scale range of 1-7.5. Garmentsgetting overheated or exerting yourself. included liquid-perfused cooling vests/tops/Cooling garments is one way to deal with hoods (50.0 percent), phase-change cooling vestsheatsensitivity.Coolinggarmentsinclude (38.9 percent), a cooling thigh-cuff (5.6 percent),vests, neck wraps, hats, and even whole-body and a palm-cooling device (5.6 percent). Thesuits. A review of different cooling garments cooling garments were effective in improvingcan be found in the MS Focus Magazine article walking capacity and functional mobility, andtitled Active and Passive cooling garment some studies demonstrated improvementsoptions for persons with MS. MS Focus: the in muscular strength and balance, but notMultiple Sclerosis Foundation also offers manual dexterity. The garments also resultedassistance with cooling garments through their in improved core and skin temperature, thermalCooling Program at msfocus.org. sensation, and subjective fatigue. ImprovementsThis study pooled data from several prior occurred in temperate and warm conditions,studies to look at the effect of cooling garments and both with and without an exercise stimulus.on those living with MS. Improvements in The researchers found there is variation inwalking, mobility, muscle strength, balance, the cooling garments and their ndings haveand fatigue were seen for many using these several limitations; therefore, more research iscooling strategies. No signicant risks were needed to evaluate the use of cooling garmentsseen with the use of cooling garments. particularly when exercising or participatingHave Your Sayin physical activity. The ndings were publishedHave Your Sayin the journal Multiple Sclerosis and RelatedWe welcome your questions, suggestions, Disorders. opinions and feedback. Reach us at: Thrower- Heat sensitivity is reported by 60- editor@msfocus.org, call 800-225-6495, 80 percent of those living with MS. Excessiveor use the contact form at msfocus.org.47 msfocusmagazine.org'