b'Symptom ManagementHHuurrddlleessttooAAcccceessssiinnggQQuuaalliittyyCCaarreeMultiple sclerosis is a difficult diseasetheir neurologist visit that would normally to diagnose and treat. With more than 50lead to a referral to another specialty. How recognized symptoms, no single healthcarecan you ensure you receive the best quality provider can offer all the treatment types thatof care? may be required during the course of a lifeHurdle 1: There is no comprehensive with MS. Additionally, the treatment of oneMS center in my area. symptom may often affect the status of another.Explore other options for multidisciplinary For example, a medication given for depressioncare.Somevisitout-of-areaMScenters or spasticity might worsen a persons levelsannuallyandcoordinaterecommended of fatigue. This complexity typically requires what isfollow-up care through their local neurologist or referred to as a multidisciplinary approach general practitioner. Others choose neurologists a team of healthcare providers from differentfromahealthcareorhospitalsystemthat disciplines working together to provide theconnects them with other specialties. In some person with MS comprehensive care. For thisplaces, particularly rural areas, telehealth is reason, an increasing number of healthcareincreasingly becoming an option, where visits facilities are forming centers specificallyare conducted through video conferencing. devoted to the care of MS.Wherever possible, select a neurologist who AnMScenteroffersawidevarietyofspecializes in MS. Typically, these neurologists services in addition to those provided by awill be aware of specialists in related elds neurologist, June Halper, chief executivewho are knowledgeable about the condition. officer of the Consortium of Multiple SclerosisIf your healthcare provider is not familiar with Centers says. Nursing care, mental healththe specialists in your area to recommend support and rehabilitative services may beone for the care you need, contact MS Focus provided by a team. Usually, a center offersor CMSC for a referral, or visit your local access to participation in research, as well.MSsupportgroupandaskforpersonal To nd a MS center near you, use the CMSCsrecommendations. directory at mscare.org.Hurdle 2: My health insurance wont cover However, even among those with access to athe treatment or test. comprehensive care center, hurdles to accessA lack of knowledge about MS may some-may arise. Some may need help getting insurance authorization for services. Otherstimes prevent insurers from understanding may not be asked about symptoms duringthe medical necessity of certain services. For msfocusmagazine.org 6'