b'MS Focus ActivitiesMS FocusedMarch Awareness Kits available Have you received your 2024 National MS Education and Awareness Month booklet from MS Focus? If not, theyare still available. Call our support line at 888-673-6287,National MS Education and we will gladly send one to you. These awareness bookletsand Awareness Month 2022can be handed out to everyone in your community, from those living with MS, to people who are looking to learn more about MS, and to those who are interested in helping other people living with MS. This year, as part of our NMSEAM promotion, we created the theme MS Warriors: Battling Autoimmunity. This bookletMserves as a toolkit with information on topics such as theMSSWWaarrrriioorrss::Bve pillars of MSsupporting your immune functions withBaattttlliinnggAAuuttooiimmmmuunniittyydiet and nutrition, movement and exercise, sleep, stressNational MS Education management, and the right medications for you.and Awareness MonthProgram helps you keep your cool While its true that heat may intensify MS symptoms, cooling can offer signicant relief. The Cooling Program is taking applications through June 1. Applications can be submitted online or through the mail. All applications are condential and will be reviewed by the grant committee. For more information on the MS Focus Cooling Program, or to access these services, call 888-MSFOCUS (673-6287).Ways You Can Help Us Help OthersDid yo u know you can donate your unwanted car, truck, boat, or RV to benet MS Focus? Contact carsforcharity.net or call 888-755-5435. They arrange to pick up your donated vehicle from anywhere and handle all the details. Your vehicle is sold and the money is donated to MS Focus. You will receive a thank you and donation receipt letter within a month. Its a great way to make an easy tax-de ductible donation.msfocusmagazine.org 40'