b"Symptom ManagementUnderutilized Specialities: Underutilized Specialities: How to Know When to Go.How to Know When to Go.Some specialties in treating multiple sclerosis- with pain, stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression related symptoms are underutilized. Many times,management and wellness, increases their its simply because people with MS dont knowability to self-manage MS and their general to ask for a referral. We asked our medicalwell-being. advisors in underutilized elds, when shouldThose who are newly diagnosed can benet someone seek out a specialist in your eld?fromhelpwithdevelopinganindividual Here are their responses:wellness plan and healthcare team, as well as MS Certied NurseCherie Binns, RN, MSCNmanaging the emotions that come with a When should they not? If you don't under- diagnosis of MS. Those who nd they are ready stand or buy into the treatment plan yourto learn more about how to help themselves doctor is suggesting, they can take the timelive better with MS or who are experiencing to explain why it may have been suggested andchanges in ability or life changes, such as go over any pros and cons so you can decideoccupation shift or parenthood also nd it whether it will be benecial to you. When youvery benecial to consult with a mental health feel you never have enough time with yourprofessional. In addition, whenever someone doctor to go over all of the concerns that havefeels overwhelmed by MS or they are working piled up between visits, they can take a bit oftoo hard to stay positive and pursue wellness, time to address those concerns and help youit is time to nd someone that can help. navigate any obstacles to getting the answersSpeech Language Pathologistyou need. When you want practical suggestionsMarissa A. Barrera, MS, MPhil, MSCS, CCC-SLP for lifestyle changes to improve your quality ofIf you or your loved one is experiencing life, but all you are being offered is medication,speech challenges, difficulty swallowing, and they can take the time to help you realisticallyrecalling words? These MS-related changes identify small changes in what you are doingalong with reduced vocal volume, reduced that can ultimately provide better quality of life.breath support, reduced communication Mental Health ProfessionalsPearl Werfel, Ph.D.endurance, fatigue, reduced inection in your Many people nd that consulting with avoice, slurring of speech sounds, food or liquid mental health professional that has experiencegoing down the wrong pipe, coughing while msfocusmagazine.org 14"