b"Medicine & ResearchAArrttiicciiaallIInntteelllliiggeenncceeaannddMMuullttiipplleeSScclleerroossiissHHoowwAAIImmaayyaaffffeeccttttrreeaattmmeennttaannddqquuaalliittyyoofflliiffeeBy Joanne FortunatoUnderstanding the meaning of articialproblems and bias with AI. For example, AI intelligence is the rst step to understandingrequireshumansurveillanceanditmay how it affects the treatment of multiple sclerosis.overlook social variables. Inaccuracies are also AI is complicated, but in simple terms, accordingstill possible with the use of AI. According to to Coursera, it is the theory and developmentStephen Shankland, in his article, ChatGPT: of computer systems capable of performing tasksHere's What It Is, How It Works and How It's that historically required human intelligence.Evolving, at CNET.com, another major concern An article worth reading related to this issueabout relying on AI and ChatGPT is that while is Does Articial Intelligence Have a Place init may act like it cares about you, it probably Your Doctors Office? on The MS Wire blog bydoesnt, [these] tools that will take great skill Ed Tobias. This article provides a comprehensiveto use wellbut exactly which skills isnt look at the potential issues of AI in the medicalunderstood well yet.realm especially in treating MS. Using thisReplacing human intelligence for medical article as a launching point will help you gainpurposes can be somewhat worrisome but also an impressive and interesting understandingexciting. To really understand the wide range of of the relationship between AI and MS.issueswithAI,readingAshleyWatters11 Currently, MRI imaging is the most commonCommon Ethical Issues in Articial Intelligence diagnostic tool utilized to locate lesions andattheComputingTechnologyIndustry therefore determine the course of treatmentsAssociations is a must. Some of the concerns in MS patients. AI has the potential to be a moremay surprise you as they are thought-provoking accurate diagnostic tool. Some scientists andand somewhat scary. Of the concerns that medicalprofessionalsareproposingthatmay be most relevant to people with MS are readingMRIscanstomonitorchangesmisinformation,lossofsocialconnection, throughoutthediseasecycleissubjecttoand privacy. While these concerns are not human error and other limitations. The theoryunique only to MS,people with MS may nd is that AI can more accurately monitor changestheseconcernsmoreprominantbecause in MRI scans. symptoms in MS are unique to each patient and Conversely, there is potential for negativeoften invisible and therefore misunderstood. effects in using AI as a medical diagnosticWhiletherearemanyassociationson tool. In their article, Pros and Cons of Articialhow AI and ChatGPT can be used in daily life, Intelligence in Medicine, Drexel Universityitistoosooninthedevelopmentofthe researchers outline good examples of potentialtechnology to know these tools will help a msfocusmagazine.org 16"