b'MS Focus ActivitiesNNoottaallllddiissaabbiilliittiieessaarreevviissiibbllee,,bbuuttssoommeeaarreeBy Marcia HarrisI have told you in the past that I do not havefor hand spasms, which causes weight gain, MS,butIhavehadbrainsurgery,thyroidit is the holidays, and it has been a year since cancer surgery, and live with temporal lobeI have been to your office! She did seem a epilepsy. I see a neurologist who also treatsbitremorsefulafterthat,andmydoseof me for the spasms I started having in mymedication was adjusted with repeat bloodwork hands. However, I physically appear prettyset up. typical, as there is no normal, right? OtherI am 5 feet 5 inches tall. I weigh, on a good than the fact that I am getting a little older, Iday, approximately 140 to 143 pounds. I think keep myself in pretty decent shape. I still workthe nurse assumed that just because I gained full-time at MS Focus and am quite active. weight, I dont work out. I know this happens to My thyroid surgery was in December 2013,people with MS all the time. I see the messages which means I now only see my endocrinologistBut you look so good, and as someone who annually. I had blood work done to check myworks directly with our support groups, I hear TSH because I take thyroid medicine to replacethe stories of what happens at doctor visits, what a thyroid would do. Like a dummy, mygrocerystores,andeven whenpeopleare appointment was in December when we allsimply taking a walk. MS Focus has bumper eat a bit more than usual because of holidaystickers that say, Not All Disabilities Are treats, including our own Dont Diet DecemberVisible. MS symptoms that are hard to see here at MS Focus. My TSH came back drastically higher than my normal range. include fatigue, pain, cognitive problems such When the nurse called me, I had alreadyas memory loss or trouble solving problems, seen my results online. I am on a very lowweakness, blurred vision, numbness, prickly dose of Levothyroxine (75 mcg), considering Ior tingling sensations, heat sensitivity, dizziness, have no thyroid. She asked me if I had gainedbalanceandcoordinationproblems,and any weight and I said maybe five to eightbladder or bowel problems.pounds from the year before. Before I couldOf course, sometimes MS disabilities are tell her I might know one of the reasons why,visible. We cannot assume that someone who she said, Maybe you should start workingslurs their words or has a problem walking out. I almost jumped through the phone andhasbeendrinkingorisimpaired.Ihave said you do know that I dont have a thyroidheard several stories from our clients being due to cancer, correct? I am also on Gabapentinaccused of being drunk when they have MS.msfocusmagazine.org 24'