b'Consumer Brief SummaryThe risk information provided here is not comprehensive.clinically isolated syndrome This information does not take the place of talking withrelapsing-remitting diseaseyour doctor about your medical condition or treatment. active secondary progressive diseaseTo learn more about KESIMPTA (ofatumumab) injections, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. For more informationIt is not known if KESIMPTA is safe or effective in children.and to obtain the FDA-approved product labeling, callDo not use KESIMPTA if you:1-888-669-6682 or visit www.kesimpta.com. have active hepatitis B virus infection.What is the most important information I should knowBefore using KESIMPTA, tell your health care provider about KESIMPTA? about all of your medical conditions, including if you:KESIMPTA can cause serious side effects, including: have or think you have an infection, including HBV orInfections. Serious infections, which can be life-threateningPML. See What is the most important information I or cause death, can happen during treatment withshould know about KESIMPTA?KESIMPTA. If you have an active infection, your health carehave ever taken, currently take, or plan to take provider should delay your treatment with KESIMPTA until your infection is gone. KESIMPTA taken before or aftermedicines that affect your immune system. These other medicines that weaken the immune system maymedicines could increase your risk of getting an increase your risk of getting infections.infection.have had a recent vaccination or are scheduled to Tell your health care provider right away if you have any infections or get any symptoms including painful andreceive any vaccinations.frequent urination, nasal congestion, runny nose, soreoYou should receive any required live or live-throat, fever, chills, cough, or body aches.attenuated vaccines at least 4 weeks before you start treatment with KESIMPTA. You should not Hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation. Before startingreceive live or live-attenuated vaccines while you treatment with KESIMPTA, your health care provider willare being treated with KESIMPTA and until your do blood tests to check for HBV. If you have ever hadhealth care provider tells you that your immune HBV infection, the HBV may become active again duringsystem is no longer weakened.or after treatment with KESIMPTA. Hepatitis B virusoWhenever possible, you should receive any non-live becoming active again (called reactivation) may cause serious liver problems including liver failure or death. Youvaccines at least 2 weeks before you start treatment should not receive KESIMPTA if you have active hepatitiswith KESIMPTA. B liver disease. Your health care provider will monitoroTalk to your health care provider about vaccinations you for HBV infection during and after you stop usingfor your baby if you used KESIMPTA during your KESIMPTA. Tell your health care provider right away ifpregnancy.you get worsening tiredness or yellowing of your skin or white part of your eyes during treatment with KESIMPTA. are pregnant, think that you might be pregnant, or planto become pregnant. It is not known if KESIMPTA will Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML).harm your unborn baby. Females who can becomePML may happen with KESIMPTA. PML is a rare, seriouspregnant should use birth control (contraception) during brain infection caused by a virus that may get worsetreatment with KESIMPTA and for 6 months after yourover days or weeks. PML can result in death or severelast treatment. Talk with your health care provider about disability. Tell your health care provider right away ifwhat birth control method is right for you during this time.you have any new or worsening neurologic signs or symptoms. These may include weakness on one side ofare breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not knownyour body, loss of coordination in arms and legs, visionif KESIMPTA passes into your breast milk. Talk to your problems, changes in thinking and memory which mayhealth care provider about the best way to feed your lead to confusion and personality changes. baby if you take KESIMPTA.Weakened immune system. KESIMPTA taken before orTell your health care provider about all the medicines after other medicines that weaken the immune systemyou take, including prescription and over-the-counter could increase your risk of getting infections. medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.What is KESIMPTA? Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show your health care provider and pharmacist when you get KESIMPTA is a prescription medicine used to treat adultsa new medicine.with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) including:12095632_KSM_DTC_JLS_MS_Focus_M3FR.indd 2 2/22/24 3:14 PM'