b'Stress and Your Immunity as the effect of DMTs in contributing to the Pearl Werfel, Ph.D., discussed how psycho- ghtwithMSandpracticedsomestress- logical stress can alter immune functioningrelieving tips and tricks during her presentation.on March 18. Altered immune function can leadThe Importance of Exercise and to exacerbated symptoms of MS. Conversely,How it Affects the Immune Systemlearning to mitigate stressors may result inBradWillingham,Ph.D.,presentedThe increased quality of life. This interactiveImportance of Exercise and How it Affects the webinar provided an overview on researchImmune System on March 28. He discussed discussing stress and the immune system andanumberoftopicsthatencompassthe provided an opportunity for the attendees toimportance of exercise and its effects on the practice some stress management techniques. immune system, the historical context and Complementing Your Immune System highlighed how milestones in the MS world have promoted physical activity. He also Dr. Kalina Sanders joined us on March 20 toaddressed exercising safely, managing MS-have an interactive discussion on the importancerelated symptoms, and ended the discussion of your immune system in ghting an auto- with presenting the latest research ndings immune disease. She emphasized topics suchof immunomodulatory effects with exercise. Find these programs at youtube.com/c/MultipleSclerosisFoundation/videosFor those who did not receive their copy of the MS Warriors: Battling Autoimmunity Awareness booklet, contact us at support@msfocus.org or 888-673-6287. It is also available on our website at msfocus.us/NMSEAM_Booklet2024. These events were generously sponsored by:Increase Your Impactand Save!The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation has an exciting new way of saying thanks to our sustaining donors39 msfocusmagazine.org'