b'Life with MSWWiisshheessDDooCCoommeeTTrruueeBy Marcia HarrisI would like to tell you about one of the mostMMaarrtthhaa,,iinnOOppaalloocckkaa,,FFllaa,, was diagnosed humbling experiences I had the opportunitywithMSin2017.SheusestheMSFocus of participating in. I am referring to the MiamiTransportation Grant to get Herald Wish Book. to her infusions. She said If you are not familiar with this program,her balance was not that each year the Miami Herald and el Nuevogood and she would like Herald grant wishes, with donations from theirto strengthen her muscles readers, to hundreds of deserving individualsto build up her balancethrough their holiday Wish Book program.her wish was a stationary Clients may be eligible for wishes such asexercisebike.Originally, special holiday dinners and toys for children,she had also expressed a adaptiveequipment,andelectronics.Fordesire for a hot tub, but more than 40 years, the Miami Herald Wishinstead said an air purier Book program has spotlighted the needs ofis better for the bronchitis she seems to get less fortunate individuals in South Florida. regularly. She received gift cards that covered both these items. MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis FoundationRoy,inPompanoBeach,Fla., was participates in this program by nominatingdiagnosed with MS in 2007. He worked as an three individuals every year. Nominees mustelectrician until 2010 when his MS made it have a particular need and represent the typeimpossible to continue. His of services each agency provides. They mustwife, Erin, continues to work reside in Miami-Dade, Broward, or Monroefull-time, and Roy said she Counties in Florida, as this is a local effortkeeps him going. He wished meant to offer assistance to those in our localfor a dining room table he community.could ride his scooter up to. Choosing three deserving individuals isThe dining set he currently difficult, so I compiled a list from our databasehas is bar height. He also of active clients from those three counties.asked for an inexpensive Then, I did a random drawing and reached outlaptop and a trailer hitch to pull his scooter to conrm each individuals information andon a trailer when he goes to northern Florida wish. You can only imagine how surprisedto visit friends. Roy received gift cards in each person was to be asked what their wishDecember for the laptop and the other items was. are being taken care of. msfocusmagazine.org 18'