b'Hurdles to Accessing Quality Care 6INo single healthcare provider can offer all the types of treatments that may be needed.MS Takes a Team 11NWhy should you be concerned about access to a specialist. 12Managing MS by Managing Bladder SymptomsCommon problems include frequency, urgency, hesitancy, and incontinence.Underutilized Specialities 14THow to Know When to Go. Articial Intelligence and Multiple Sclerosis 16HHow AI may affect treatment and quality of life 18 Wishes do Come TrueIMiami Herald Wish Book grants wishes. 28A Blood Test for MS MonitoringConsortium of MS Centers releases new guidelines.SMS, High Heels, and Leather Jackets 32 How as our MS progresses we tend to start wearing different things and it affects our condence.IOur Focus 5Spotlight 34 Empowered 24MS Focused 40 My Story 26Giving Back 41 STakeaways 30Ask the MS Nurse 42 Upcoming Programs 30Doctors Notes 44SGGiivviinnggiinntthheeUPPaallmmooffYYoouurrHHaannddMS Focus makes giving as easy as E sending a text message.Text MSFocus to 501553 msfocusmagazine.org'