b"MS Focus ActivitiesIn honor of our 35th anniversary, we asked our staff and members of our board what they think is special about our organization. Their heartfelt responses reect common themesthe good work we do, the efficiency with which we do it, and the commitment of our staff. Here is what they had to say.Natalie Blakedirector of program services MS Focus makes a difference because our staff is passionate about improving the quality of life for those affected by MS.William Sheehanboard of directors I love contributing to the mission of MS Focus because, in short, our mission is to improve the lives of people with MS. Over the years I am honored to have played a role to help steer the Foundation towards a sustainable future. I take pride in our dedicated board, which provides foresight, oversight, and insight as stewards of the organization.Sherrol Pattersonassociate director of homecare and emergency assistance grants The best thing about The MS Focus to me, is the rewarding feeling that one receives when you know that you made a difference in that client's day, and when the clients call or write to show their appreciation for making their day better by the service we provided.Alma Henryhealth and wellness grant coordinator We go above and beyond to help people. Callers are able to get a live person on the phone whenever they call. Providing tangible support, we listen and try to help. We are unique in providing many programs and helping a high volume of MS individuals who are unable to acquire help from other sources. Also, we are like a family that sincerely cares for each other.John Blackstockboard of directors In my 25+ years on the Board, I am most proud the MS Focus is a direct and accessible source of information to each and every person suffering from MS. No red tape, no middlemen, just a phone call and youre connected to a caring and helpful voice. MS Focus is a relatively small charitable foundation, but we do so much, for so many, with so little in comparison to others. msfocusmagazine.org 16"