b'22002211i nRReevviieewwinTwenty-one months ago, life turned upside-down for all of us. Business closures, job losses, and health crises only increased the need for the services the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation provides to the community, while simultaneously limiting our ability to raise funds. How did the Foundation respond? We found new ways to deliver some of our services and continued to provide the rest without interruption, thanks to our dedicated staff. The results speak for themselves. Lets look at just a few of our accomplishments in 2021.We provided the rst comprehensive guide to mental health symptoms of MS, distributed to 70,000 individuals during National MS Education and Awareness Month. Our Health and Wellness Grant, which previously provided in-person classes across the country, went online. We provided weekly chair yoga and adaptive exercise classes, which were available to any individual with MS. These live classes and their recordings have been viewed more than 10,000 times.We provided more than 50 online educational programs, with more than 3,000 attendees watching live and participating in Q&A. More than 25,000 people watched the recordings on YouTube and Facebook. We provided more than 1,700 grants to people with MS for immediate needs, such as homecare, emergency nancial assistance, doctors visits, and more.We know many of our readers are not in a position to nancially support these efforts. If you are, can you pay it forward to help someone else with MS? Donate by texting MSFOCUS to 50155 or visit msfocus.org/donate New Year, New Ways You Can Help Us Help Others Do you have an estate plan in place? The New Year is a great time to think about donating to MS Focus in your will, so we can continue to support those with MS far into the future. If you have already made a provision in your will, thank you and we would be so grateful if you would please let us know. There is an estate intention form at msfocus.org that you can complete and send back.For more information contact Traci Allyn Shur at tracishur@msfocus.org5 msfocusmagazine.org'