b'Health and WellnessCCaannnnaabbiissIInnnnoovvaattiioonnssaannddIInnttaakkeeCCaarreeffuullllyyccoonnssuullttyyoouurrddooccttoorraabboouuttmmeetthhooddssaannddddoossiinnggBy Chris HudspethWhen it comes to medical cannabiscannabis illegal and a challenge for medical (marijuana), the landscape of laws, loopholes,cannabisusers.Notallcannabisproducts and innovations is ever-changing. So are theavailable are medicine. Please, communicate offerings available in dispensaries and evenwith your healthcare team if you are using some smoke shops. How one intakes cannabiscannabis in any form. Include intake, dosing, (either THC or CBD) can make a signicantand usage.difference in the experience and outcome.DDoossiinnggHere are some of the different innovations onJust like any medicine, dosing and how how to intake medicinal cannabis, best practices,you use cannabis is an important factor for and what to watch out for, so you stay both safeyour well-being. The various strains of the and economical, when it comes to medicalcannabis plant are not made equal. Depending consumption.on what is available, using a very specic strain Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Ben Throweror a variety of strains may be appropriate. and Aryn Sieber of CannaCauses.org wereAlso,whenandhowyouintakecannabis asked questions about best practices for intake,(ower or oil) can have signicant effect on how consumption effects how you feel andyour overall health. behave, proper dosing, and a new product on the market, derived from hemp, called Delta 8.HHoowwddooeessddoossiinnggwwoorrkkwM wiitthhccaannnnaabbiiss??Meeddiical ccal caannnnaabbiissDepending on the state where you live,Dr. Ben Thrower: This varies tremendously CBD and THC products may be abundant andbased upon the individual. Different people available in a variety of forms and locations.have different responses to cannabinoidsTHC and CBD cannabis ower, concentrates,the product and ratios of CBD to THC, and andediblesareavailableinstateswherethe route of administration. Inhaled forms of marijuana is fully legal. Keep in mind not allmarijuana tend to work more quickly, while products are created for medicinal use. oral products may last longer. The same dose In other states, limited availability of intakeof a cannabinoid could have different effects options and locations prevail. And, in only a fewdepending upon how it is consumed. For states, there is no medical program whatsoever.example, 10mg of THC used in an inhaled form Still not federally legal as of 2021, only a handfulwill tend to give a higher peak concentration of states recognize medicinal cannabis lawsbut shorter duration of effect than 10mg of from other states, which makes traveling withTHC taken orally. msfocusmagazine.org 18'