b'groups from all over the U.S. that are affiliated with our organization.Please consider joining or starting a support groupinyourareaandcontinuetobe empoweredas youmovetowardtheNew Year. We know these are difficult times, and a support group could be just what is needed foryou.Contactusat888-673-6287or supportgroups@msfocus.org. Please visit our website at msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest you. If you feel the need to talk, please consider joining one of the many support groups that are affiliated with MS Focus. Please visit our website at msfocus.org or email supportgroups@msfocus.org. to find the support group nearest you. We are always here for you.Has an invention or innovation improved your life with MS? How?Jennifer PetersonBathtub chair lift that goes up and down and has aps that make transferring to and from the chair lift safely and of course a oor to ceiling transfer pole (my MS stripper pole lol). I have a HFL (human oor lift) that is made by a company called IndeeLift. When I fall, I can scoot my bottom onto the "seat" and use the remote control to lift me 18-ish inches so I can transfer to my wheelchair or a kitchen chair (with no arms). Check it out by googling IndeeLift. I got an electric peddler that my caregiver puts my feet on the pedals with a slight modication of adding an 8" bungie cord that goes around my heel to hold my feet. I manage the controls and go for a "bike ride" for an hour and that strengthens my leg muscles. Helps with my attitude and BMs. Sandra Milam - Auto-injector! Wouldn\'t be able to take my shot otherwise!Desire\' Linkens Covaleski - Yes! Online support groups! Also, we have a member who recommends Bioness. She absolutely loves it! Stephen Price - The Healy device! 43 msfocusmagazine.org'