b'its annual meeting as a hybrid of virtual and in-personconferenceinOrlando,Fla. Rehabilitationandphysicaltherapyare important in MS, but new small studies are suggesting that tele-rehabilitation can help just like in-person rehabilitation. This is important because even before the pandemic, people living in rural areas or with transportation difficulty found it hard to attend in-person rehabilitation.Aside from being a time to present new research ndings, MS conferences also allow neurologiststodiscussanddebatetopics centraltoourunderstandingofMSandits treatment.Thedebatecontinuedregarding starting with the most aggressive disease-modifying therapy versus using increasingly more effective medications. The updated MRI consensus guidelines, which were published several months earlier, were presented to practicing neurologists.There was a focus at both ECTRIMS and CMSC on MS treatment during the pandemic, andhowSARS-CoV-2andCOVID-19are affected by various MS DMTs. While we have learned a lot about MS during the pandemic, the emergence of various chronic neurological symptoms in people without MS who had COVID-19 (COVID Longhaulers). Since we havebeenmanagingsimilarsymptomsin peoplewithMS,neurologistshavethe opportunity and obligation to take a central roleinhelpingtheverybigcommunityof COVID Longhaulers. Aswereturntoin-personscientific meetings, we will continue to see exciting advancements for people living with MS. 29 msfocusmagazine.org'