b'Emerging innovationsAs far as what is emerging in diagnostic andRemyelination and myelin repair therapies treatment protocols is concerned, Dr. Markare not yet showing the promise they have in Freedman said a blood test for neurolamentthe animal model when used in humans. Those light chain is being used in all current clinicalindividuals who seem to benet are generally trials that are looking at progression in MS and,younger (under 30) and tend to be genetically while this testing was not commerciallymale. Autologous stem cell therapy is now available a couple of years ago when we rstthought to be a reasonable step to take in heard about it, it is now available in the U.S. andindividuals who are not responding to the Canada to track progression and inammation.higher efficacy therapies such as Lemtrada It should be noted that NfL may also be elevatedor Ocrevus and, again, work better in those in inammatory conditions other than MS,under 45 than in the older individual with so it is not a test exclusively for MS. MS. DONT LET THE HEAT CRAMP YOUR STYLEPolar Products is the tried and true solution for keeping the MS community discreetly, comfortably and fashionably cool since 1984.I have MS and your cooling products are the best! I received the Polar Fashion Cooling Vest and Neck Wrap through the MSF Cooling Program. Everything is wonderful. I am a US Army rered veteran and I love your products. I have been talking to my Neurologists about them, and my family and friends want to take and use mine - not happening! - Judy J.PROUD SUPPLIER FOR THE MSF COOLING PROGRAMpolarproducts.com|800.763.842341 msfocusmagazine.org'