b'MS Focus Activities[ TAKEAWAYSSocial distancing and stay-at-home orders because of Covid-19 presented challenges to our usual schedule of programs, but it did not prevent outreach. MS Focus continued to hold a series of teleconferences to enrich the lives and meet the needs of those in the MS community. If you missed a teleconference or want to revisit one, you will be able to nd it online either at YouTube or SoundCloud. Type the msfocus.us link for the conference into your browser to go directly to a recording. October Teleconferences Hispanic Heritage Month: Dieta en Esclerosis Multiple (MS) Jose Avila Ornelas MD msfocus.us/100521 Town Hall: Bring Your QuestionsBen Thrower, MD msfocus.us/101221 Managing Your MS Symptoms Kalina Sanders, MD msfocus.us/102121 November TeleconferencesTackling MS Together: A Program For You and Your Care-partner A Panel Discussionmsfocus.us/110321 COVID-19 UpdateBen Thrower, MD msfocus.us/110921 Art is For Everyone: A Workshop For People With MS Hannah Celeste Garrison msfocus.us/111621 When Your Child Has MSA Panel Discussionmsfocus.us/111821 Compose YOURSELF! Change Your Tune-Tune Your Change Celeste A. Keith, MT-BC & Ned Hammad is a MT-BC msfocus.us/113021 December TeleconferencesTown Hall: Bring Your QuestionsAaron Boster, MD msfocus.us/120921 MS Trivia Holiday StyleBen Thrower, MD msfocus.us/121421 msfocusmagazine.org 26'