b'stateweencourageyoutocontactyour state representatives and encourage them to sponsor a bill. Your representatives want to hear from you and understand what causes matter to their constituents. Encourage them tosponsorabill,andtoconnect withMS Focus. You can nd your representatives by visiting openstates.org. Dear MS Focus:Yourorganizationhelpedmealotlast Dear Editor:year (thank you so much for that!) and Im reaching out now to see if you can help me I am sending you an idea for a new Statewith something else. Ive nally discovered of Florida tag. I am not sure of the process ofmy passion for art (abstract) and tie in some getting approval for license plates, howeverof my MS experience with it. I was wondering MS patients seem to suffer in silence. I haveif you have any resources about artist grants had MS for over 13 years and to look at me,for MS warriors or disabled people?no one would know how it affects all of us. Im in the process of posting my work but Janice Hillyoucanseepictures on Instagram: (@kniveswiththems) KnivesHello, Knives. Thanks for sharing your work with us! We believe art of every kind is an important Hello, Janice.form of expression, even more so for individuals We think the idea of a specialty plate forwith disabilities, whose voices are not heard MS is a stellar one. So we looked into thefrequently enough in our society. Moreover, as process. In Florida, as in many states thatdiscussed in our last issue, art can be tremendously haveaprogramforspecialtyplates,thetherapeutic. In this issues Takeaways column, process begins with a bill being sponsored byyoull nd a link to a recent art workshop we a state legislator. If a sponsor is found and adid with Hannah Celeste Garrison, a visual bill is passed, then the pre-sale phase begins.artist with MS. The feedback for that program In Florida, 3,000 plates must be pre-soldwas so positive, were happy to announce we before the plate will be produced. will be adding a weekly class with Hannah to our Health and Wellness Program schedule If you would like to see an MS awarenessbeginning this month. We hope you will join plate in Floridaor for our readers, in yourus and share your work with others in the group. msfocusmagazine.org 8'