b'practicingfunctionalmovementsinthecycling is a safe and effective way to exercise safest, most productive manner. for people with MS who can no longer walk in Research is still underway to determine ifthe community. Studies have demonstrated and how robotic devices for walking, or trainingimprovements in fatigue and strength, cycling arm and hand movements, can be helpful toability, and feelings of well-being and quality people with MS. It remains unclear if roboticof life in people with MS.devices are superior to other ways for practicing3D printingthese tasks and increasing strength and controlElon Musk isnt the only one using three-for arm and hand movement or walking.dimensional printing to power innovations, Neurostimulation, neuromodulation,such as SpaceX. Rehabilitation medicine and augmented therapiesprofessionals, specically those working in Neurostimulationinvolvesdeliveringassistive technology, are embracing the promise electrical stimulation to the brain or spinalof 3D printing to create adaptive equipment and cord to change the way neurons are ring.assistive devices for people with disabilities. Electrical stimulation can also be used over theEven more exciting is that people with disabilities muscles and nerves in the arms, legs, or bodycan create their own solutions once they learn to cause muscle contraction for a functionalhow to do so. There are resources if you need movement, such as cycling or walking. Thedevices to help you hold your eating utensils electrical stimulation is delivered using smallor grooming tools, to adapt your devices for electrodes stuck to the skin over the part beinggaming, or access your remotes for TV or stimulated.environmental control devices.How you can help adapt or create Transcranial direct current stimulation isthe most useful innovative solutionsa noninvasive way to deliver stimulation toInnovation requires creative and useful the brain. It is shown to help some cases ofsolutions. Key to the helpful adaptation of depression, fatigue, or sleep disorders in peopleexisting and the creation of new innovative with MS. solutions is having input from the end-userAugmented therapy, sometimes calledthe people who will use them or benet from neuromodulation, is a strategy used in physical,them. If you are a person with a disability, you occupational, or speech therapy to helpcan inuence the creation, accessibility, and therapeutic interventions be more effective.usability of commercially available products This involves combining electrical stimulationand new technologies. To learn more visit withactivemovementsorexercises.Onethe Accessibility User Research Collective at noninvasive device for supplying electricalaccessibilityuserresearchcollective.org. stimulation to the brain while an individualThere are still many questions to address performs a supervised exercise program iswith these new advances. For instance, what theportableneuromodulationstimulator.is appropriate for a given patient with MS, are Available by prescription only, the PoNS isthere legal concerns, and how can a patient approved by the FDA in the U.S. for use as aaccess these innovative solutions? It is important short-termtreatmentofgaitdecitduetoto note that there may not be insurance coverage mild-to-moderate symptoms from MS.for the use or purchase of these technologies in Finally, functional electrical stimulationsome cases. If you are interested in these, contact involves using electrical stimulation delivereda qualied rehabilitation professional, such as to the muscles to support functional movements,a physical or occupational therapist, to gure such as cycling. Research has shown that FESout what is best for you. 23 msfocusmagazine.org'