b'Giving and canningAs the MS care manager for Lori Roberts, of Banks, Ark., Carolyn Legg, MS, CSA, CMC, CDP told MS Focus, I have learned what makes her happy and useful. She is a giver and loves to can and give to people; however, her income does not allow her to do this very often. She was even asked the other day if she would sell some of her pickles. That tickled her pink. So, this could provide her with the gift of giving to others, but a way to perhaps make a little spending money to put back into her hobby. She lives in a rural area and would not make much, but anything would help her continue this giving to others. From the beginning she has wanted to send me some pickles and she gave some to her DME representative. This would make her life worthwhile and the feeling of being needed and helping others.Lori received canning supplies to help her continue to give to others. Being self-sufficient and comfortableChris Crawford, of Albuquerque, N.M., requested this grant to purchase a new front-loading washing machine. It is important for my independence and health to have a washer that is reliable and works effectively. My current washer and dryer set is 25 years old and on their last legs. My daily routine includes taking pride in my appearance and showering, dressing, and getting ready for each day, no matter how long it takes since I am wheel-chair-bound. Having clean, sanitized clothing, towels, and bedding is key to my well-being as well as safety. Having a new washer will contribute to my ability to be self-sufficient and comfortable. I am on disability, limited income, and am nancially unable to replace my current washer. We hope a new machine brightens your day, Chris.Point and shootKimberly MacDougall, of Port St. Joe, Fla., was looking for a camera. I would really enjoy nding a new hobby to occupy my time and make my days brighter. I currently take pictures of nature. Getting out in nature and having a hobby you enjoy are important to well-being. We would love to see the pictures you take with your new camera, Kimberly. The bigger pictureDeborah Holman, of Baltimore, Md., reached out for a smart television. I would be so grateful for a large screen TV. I have very limited mobility, unable to perform my daily living activities and I get so much enjoyment from watching my game shows and soap operas. At least I can do something for myself. Game shows are a great way to keep your mind active, Deborah. Enjoy them on your new television. 33 msfocusmagazine.org'