b'MS FocusedPreorder your NMSEAM 2022 kitsFinding Your Place in the MS Community is the theme for the upcoming National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month (NMSEAM) in March 2022. The MS community includes people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. While we may each have different circumstances and challenges to face, by coming together as one community, we can empower everyone with MS.A toolkit for people with MS will be sent as a special edition of this magazine to subscribers. To request additional copies of the kit or materials designed to share with family, friends, neighbors or coworkers, visit msfocus.org/Get-Involved/MS-Awareness-Month or call 888-673-6287.Programs to help maintain your physical and emotional wellness MS Focus is now sponsoring virtual wellness programs for people with multiple sclerosis ve days a week. All classes are led by qualied instructors, and are available online. These classes are designed to assist in symptom management and pain relief, as well as to help improve physical and emotional health. Classes for 2022 include: MS Chair Yoga with Sacred Rivers Yoga - Mon. 10:4511:45 a.m. EasternArt for MS with Hannah C. Garrison - Mon. 89 p.m. EasternMS General Exercise Program from Working On Wellness FoundationTues. 10.11 a.m. EasternExercise Therapy from The Swamp Fitness MS Exercise ProgramWed. 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. EasternDance, Music and Yoga from UF Health Shands Arts in MedicineThur. and Fri. 1 - 2p.m. EasternTo learn more about these programs or register for classes:visit msfocus.org/Events/Events-Calendar.aspx. Program help you keep your cool Many people with MS experience worsened symptomssuch as weakness, fatigue, and visual disturbanceswhen they become overheated. Keeping your body cool allows you to reclaim the ability to spend time outdoors during the warmer months, and can help you enjoy barbeques and baseball games again. MS Focus Cooling Program offers a variety of free itemsincluding bandanas, neckties, hats, wristbands, and two types of cooling veststo help you gain relief from heat-induced symptoms and maintain your active lifestyle. Applications are accepted from Feb. 1 to June 1. The Program Services department can make applications available via email, fax, or mail. Call 888-673-6287 or email support@msfocus.org. 27msfocusmagazine.org'