b'Life with MSnew room to cultivate a sense of comfort andregular basis. We recommend creating a well-being. You can also interweave naturalspace for the caregivers as part of a holistic elementsinhomerenovationmaterials-design approach.stone, wood, and raw textiles. Youcouldaddaseparatewingforthe Spaces for therapy, exercise, and rehabilitation.caregiveror simply redesign existing spaces Its a real challengestaying active makes for ato incorporate nooks throughout the house. positive prognosis, but fatigue and muscularWhen the caregiver (whether thats a family symptoms can make you only want to veg onmember, friend, or a working assistant) has the couch. spaces where they can recharge, they and the We return to that concept of activity centersindividual with MS will both feel the benets. to conserve energy. Create a nook for wellness activities that will help you in the long-run.Hope in Home Design Then you can avoid the trouble of rolling outFor assistance with a home design project, a yoga mat or getting your weights out of theseek out a CAPS-certied builder or designer, closet each timelikemycompany,LiveinPlaceDesigns. Lighting. The ability to manipulate light inCAPSstandsforcertiedaging-in-place the environment also inuences mood andspecialist and is a program developed by the mental clarity. Bright, full-spectrum light canNational AssociationofHomeBuildersin help combat depression. On the other hand, youcollaboration with Home Innovation Research might employ black-out curtains or automatedLabs, NAHB 50+ Housing Council and the blinds in your bedroom to regulate sleep cycles.AARP to help individuals prepare for their Dont Overlook the Caregiversfuture needs at home. in Home DesignPeople with MS can greatly increase their Caregivers are often an essential part ofqualityoflifebyemployingthoughtful the life with MSif not daily, on some sort ofdesign that accounts for their individual needs. New Year, New Ways You Can Help Us Help OthersMatching gifts are a great way to double the effect of a gift to MS Focus.Ask the company you work for if they have a matching gift program or encourage them to set one up. If an employee makes a donation to a charity, the company they work for matches that donation dollar-for-dollar. Many companies would love to support a charity if given the opportunity, so ask them to support MS Focus.msfocusmagazine.org 52'