b"MS Focus Activities Giving BackOur Thanks to Those Who Give BackAt the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, weabout15volunteerswereabletobearup provide vital assistance to thousands of peopleunder their grief long enough to complete the with MS each year. Yet, we know we can onlygood deed his father started.do that thanks to the kindness of otherstheMSFocuswillbeforevergratefulto supporters that are so generous with theirRichard Thornton for his friendship, passion, time, effort, and resources. Individuals with MS,andcommitment.Justinhassaidthatin their family, friends, and communities participatememory of his father, he plans to continue both by donating and by fundraising, allowingorganizing the yearly golf tournament for MS us to help so many others. Here, we offer ourFocus. Thank you, Justin for carrying on your thanks to the leaders of three fundraisers andfathers wonderful legacy. their teams, and by extension, all of you who generously support our work.Like Father, Like SonRichard Thornton, Jr.was diagnosed with multiplesclerosisattheageof42. As uncommon as it is, his mother, two of his brothers, and even one of his nieces were also diagnosed with MS. Asked how he coped with his condition, Richard said, My best medicine is my grandchildren.Richard wasdeterminedtohelpndaA Year-round Effortcure for MS and to help fund the everydayTraciCerasisoneofthoseindividuals needs of those in the MS community. Forwho is able to set her mind to a task and almost 20 years he organized a yearlymake it happen, despite the challenges her fundraising golf tournament near Fort Wayne,MS poses. The task she set her mind to was a Ind. Richard always donated the proceeds tobasket raffle to raise funds for MS Focus services. MS organizations and at one point, he de- Traci is the quintessential smart shopper cided his efforts would have a huge effect ifon a mission. For three years in a row, Traci he donated the proceeds to MS Focus. has spent almost the entire year asking for Sadly, on July 30, 2021, Richard passedlocaldonationsandpurchasingitems(on away unexpectedly. Though it was only 15sale or with coupons) that she would then use days away, his wife Pam told MS Focus thattocreatebeautifulbaskets.Shestoresthe their son, Justin, wanted to follow throughitems in her home, and has even had to use with his dad's golf tournament plansandhermother'shometoaccommodatethe that's exactly what he did. Though it was sooverowfromthislargequantityofgifts. soonafterRichardspassing,JustinandWhen she wasn't working at her real job, she msfocusmagazine.org 48"