b'sessions are repeated daily for a period ofgame, meditation) or physical exercises. This time.clinical service provides access to tDCS treatment Telemedicine forpeople whohavehadbenefit while Overall, tDCS has behavioral and clinicalparticipating in clinical trials, or if they want effects over time, and after repeated (forto try the treatment to evaluate whether it is instance daily or near-daily) treatments overeffective for improving their symptoms.a period of time. tDCS devices have manyNoninvasive brain stimulation is an exciting advantages over other types of noninvasivetherapeutic area that can offer new and effective brain stimulation, including that they can betreatments, with people living with MS at the portable, wearable, and easily used duringforefront as it develops towards clinical use. exercise.ForanytreatmentthatrequiresThe growing number of studies will help us near-daily access for benet, we believe it isbetter understand the therapeutic potential importanttoprovideaccesstotreatmentand guide clinical use. In addition to the from home and that this may be even moreestablished approaches, including TMS and critical to reach many people living with MS.tDCS, many new brain stimulation technologies Therefore, NYU Langone has established aand devices are emerging and can include methodofat-hometDCStreatmentusingtelehealth delivery. With technological innovation telemedicine, where daily treatment is guidedandcarefulevaluation,noninvasivebrain and supervised by a tDCS clinician during astimulation may provide options to improve livevideovisit.Thisat-homesuperviseddaily functioning and overall quality of life in MS. method can provide a structured home-based program of daily exercise to further evaluate whether tDCS leads to greater and more lasting benet for walking abilities. NYU Langone is also using this method to study many other potential uses of tDCS in MS, including managing symptoms such as fatigue, improving cognitivehoping to raise awareness and functioning, or recovering the use of handpromote an understanding of MS functions.with the goal of raising $1/mile In addition to the research program, NYUdriven during our season.Langone also offers a tDCS telemedicine clinicalApex Road Rally presented by Apex Detours program. While tDCS is still considered to beorganizes events that provide the ultimate an investigational device in the U.S., NYUroad trip experience. Apex events bring carLangone is able to offer tDCS treatment asenthusiasts together to drive some of the innovative care. The program is run throughbest roads each state has to offer. Events follow the NYU Langone Health app, and in this way,a pre-planned schedule with hand-picked it can reach people with MS without requiringroutesandcheckpoints,highlightingnot onsite visits. The tDCS treatment is tailored toonly the roads, but beautiful scenery and Americana. We encourage everyones support the individual based on the available evidenceto help reach our goal through donations or from research studies. It pairs the stimulationparticipation.with a range of activities using different digitalwww.apexdetours.comhealth therapeutics (e.g., cognitive remediation 47 msfocusmagazine.org'