b'MS Focus ActivitiesAlan Segaloff By Kimani Hendricks In 1986, Alan Segaloff worked as a certiedwith multiple sclerosis need! Meanwhile, this publicaccountant,ThefoundersofMSwas pre-Internet; we worked on a small budget, Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundationso we had to put our heads together. That was happenedtobehisclients. Alanandhiswhen we conceived the concept of our cruises, partner, Dan, reconnected with the organiza- Alan said.tion in 1992, and for the next ve years, as- Formerly known as Cruise for a Cause, sistedtheorganizationwithitsauditedMS Focus At Sea is an annual, weeklong nancial statements. When the Foundationexcursioninvolvingseveraleducational began to work with different accountants,programshostedbyeminenthealthcare Alan chose to continue supporting the organi- specialists and Foundation staff members, zation by volunteering for MS Focus. My vol- with adaptable, interactive activities and other unteerworkconsistedofhelping setupventures. Depending on the year, the ship federal government grants, proper account- either journeys through the Caribbean or into ing procedures, and so on, Alan said. In re- Alaska. One of the beautiful things about turn, I learned about multiple sclerosis as Ithose trips is seeing when people discover wentonandwasfortunateenoughtobe hired by the organization in March 1999.that they can do things they never thought As executive director, Alan is responsiblethey could, Alan said. Funny enough, as for each operation within the Multiple Sclerosistime went on, community members began Foundation. In the end, everything falls in myreferring to us at the cruise people, but even lap, he said. I give direction to ensure thingsbetter, the idea took effect. It opened many run efficiently and that we are meeting ourdoors for us in that we caught the eyes of goal, which is to help anyone affected by MSother MS organizations and specialists who in as many ways as we can. Alan hit thehadnt a clue of who we were. Im glad weve ground running, offering ideas to expandbeen able to make it happen for all the programs and services, including suggestingfamilies, and I hope that once COVID-19 is some key programs. behind us, we can return to the seas. When I started, we were a much smallerAmong the many programs MS Focus organizationandhardlyknownintheprovides, homecare assistance is one that community. We all sat down, and I asked,Alan finds unique. Offering temporary How will wegetournameoutthere? Wehomecare for patients through connecting have fantastic programs that people who livewithoutsidepartiesisunlikeanyother msfocusmagazine.org 24'