b"Find details in the MS Focused column onwas published in 1998. I had to stop working page 35.the following year, but I found a new path as As for grants, some have applied for andan author and literary agent. Ive written nine received art supplies through our Brighternovels and one nonction wedding-style book. Tomorrow Grant, which runs from JuneSept.Three of the novels have main characters with of each year. Watch for an application in ourMS.At the moment, I'm working on a cookbook summer issue. You may also nd more resourceswiththerecipesofmygrandmothersand for artists with disabilities among the artsother important women in my family. I also organizations listed at:have two novels being shopped by my agent/ new-horizons.org/aacorg.html.senior partner. Dear Editor: Idohopethemagazinecontinuesto spotlight artists with MS. It's inspiring to I was delighted when I received the latestsee people who are not just living with MS, issue of MS Focus. MS and the Arts immediatelythey are thriving in spite of it. I think thats grabbed my attention. It was very rewardinga powerful testimony to mind over matter. I to read how others with MS are using the artscant wait to see more in the future. as a way to heal and deal with the diagnosisChamein Canton and every day thereafter. I've long admired people who paint, draw, or sculpt. It's a gift toDear Chamein,be able to see beauty in the world and thenYour story of drifting away from and translate it through the mind's eye onto therediscovering your love of writing demonstrates canvas.that these artistic outlets are always there for John Crandell's article, Writing as Healingusits never too late to experience the wealth and Self-Expression, spoke to me as a writerofbenefitsartcanbring,whetherthats andauthor.Ithinktheworkgroupsareadrawing, painting, music, dance, or writing, wonderful idea. Journaling, or writing shortas it was for you. And just look where your storiesorpoemshelpstoworkthroughlove of writing took you! We are wowed by feelings about life with MS and life in general.how much you have accomplished as an Writers need a safe space where they canauthor with MS. Thank you for sharing your share and get feedback or just let the wordsstory with us. out into the air. Ive loved to write since I was a kid, but I stopped. Life got in the way. Then about threeTell us what you want to see in MS years after my diagnosis, a major exacerbationFocus Magazine. Email comments landed me on my back. At the time I was ato:editor@msfocus.org or write to:divorced mother with twin 9-year-old sons. IEditor, MS Focus wrote to get out of my head. I didn't want to6520 N. Andrews Ave., bedenedbymultiplesclerosis.MyrstFort Lauderdale, FL 33309 book, MS doesn't stand for Multiple Sclerosis, 9 msfocusmagazine.org"