b"MS Focus ActivitiesCandidates of the Cooling Program receiveDerrickemphasizesthe valueoftaking their items on a rst-come, rst-served basis;preventative measures for people with heat our team stresses the importance of a thoroughintoleranceduetotheirMS.Sometimes, application and cannot serve our clients withoutthings that seem insignicant bear the most confirmation of their MS diagnosis. We areweight. Bring water with you or even an opposed to accepting photographs of anumbrella when the sun gets too high if you individuals prescription because all of theirparticipate in outdoor activities. Also, adjusting personal information is displayed; we encouragethe water temperature when you shower makes everyone to get that documentation from aadifference;Ihaveafriend withMS who doctor and attach it to their application. Itcomplained about are-ups hed endured and expedites the process tremendously, Derrickdidn't realize he caused worse symptoms said. because the water was too hot. Safety is of While MS Focus offers its cooling programutmost importance; listen to your body in free of charge to those in need, some individualsengaging indoor and outdoor activities, make are able purchase the items. We often receivea note if something is wrong, and let others calls from people asking where we get ourknow, too. They might spot something you supply of products, and we then refer them tooverlook, and as always, stay cool. one of our vendors, said Derrick. AnotherMS Focus Cooling Program runs between thing I love about the vendors is that inFebruary 1 and June 1 every year, and the connecting them with a client who wants toapplication is available in this issue. You can buy, they give huge discounts on that personsalso apply by visiting msfocus.org, selecting order. Not only that, but they make themselvesthe Get Help tab, and Cooling Program. All readily available to the consumers when theyhardcopiesoftheapplicationmustget approach our organization with questions wemailed to the national headquarters of MS cant answer. I am so thankful to the vendorsFocus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.for being there when needed. Aimee of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., recalls how functioning seemed impossible until shereceivedhercooling vest and accessories. My heat intolerance was such that I had to stop working in my office setting because I was drenched in sweatandcouldntbe presented like that. But, the products from MS Focuscoolingprogramhavebeenofgreat help because it settles me down while Im at work. I can wear the bands around my wrist; I can put them around my head and neck. Its made a world of difference to me. msfocusmagazine.org 36"