b'Medicine & ResearchWWhhaattiissNNeewwiinnEExxeerrcciisseeRReesseeaarrcchh??SSoommeewwaayysstthhaattrreesseeaarrcchhmmiigghhttbbeessttbbeeuuttiilliizzeeddbbyyppeerrssoonnssddeeaalliinnggwwiitthhMMSSnnoowwBy Mike Zervas, PT, DPT, NCS, Herb Karpatkin, PT, DSC, NCS, MSCSExercise has been well established as one of the best ways of treatingand managing the decits caused by multiple sclerosis. Regardless ofdisability severity, exercise has been shown to improve function, tness,and health in persons with MS. As physical therapists who specializein working with patients with MS, one of the most common questionswe are asked is What is the best exercise for my MS? This is never aneasy question to answer because MS aects each person dierently,requiring that treatment plans should be individualized. Additionally,there is a large amount of new research that is continuing to try to addressquestions about MS and exercise. While there are already varioustypes of exercises persons with MS are participating in, the primarypurpose of this article is to review some of the latest MS exerciseresearch, and propose how it might best be utilized by persons dealingwith MS now.PTs are very passionate about exercise, and for good reason. It hasa tremendous number of benefits, including improving walking,balance, strength, exibility, and endurance, as well as reducing yourfeelings of fatigue, pain, and stiness. Most importantly, however, isthat recent evidence suggests you do not have to do only one specictype of exercise to reap some of the above benets. There are severalways to exercise that can help improve how well you move and feel.Below are a few newer trends being researched by PTs with ndingsthat apply directly to the unique needs of persons with MS. It isimportant to note these exercises should be performed under the directsupervision of a PT initially to ensure safety and for progression ofyour exercise program. High-intensity interval training: HIIT is dened in its name. Exercisesor specic movements are performed at a high intensity for short boutsor repetitions with rest breaks between sets. The goal is to essentiallywork as hard as you safely can, then rest, recover, and repeat. HIIThas been examined extensively in persons without MSranging frommsfocusmagazine.org 12'